A mix of photography, recipes, personal thoughts, faith, and lots of family stuff, but not necessarily in that order.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Happy Birthday Dad

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

My eBay treasure

I've been on the prowl for some REAL clothespins

and I finally found some on Ebay.
Clothespins are no longer made like they used to be... (saying that makes me feel old)
Nowadays the wooden clothespins are cheaply make, they arn't seasoned so that they give-a-little when you hang up a pair of denim jeans. The new ones crack, and splinter and they are basically useless.
The last few years I have had to pick up a few of the "pincher" style pins, but they dont do a very good job of keeping the clothes on the line when there's a strong wind, on the other hand my "new" vintage pins do. I got 40 of them, they are in good used condition, and nicely seasoned
They are wrapped with a strong wire which keep them from breaking.
Here they are mingled in with my other clothespins

Perfect for those hard to hold up jeans. These jeans aint goin' no where.

A row of Gavin's tee shirts...can you tell that color he likes?

Sunday, July 25, 2010

There's just something about those old red barns

One of my favorite things is old barns. You know... the red barns that we always used to see in the country with the high pitched roofs and stone foundations.
There are not many left, but last night I got to visit one
The owners are church friends who hosted a 25th wedding anniversary and
The barn has a lot of character. It was a lovely evening with good food and fellowship. There was even a live band playing country music.
If I'm gonna be on a farm then I must be taking pictures !
I love the old buildings on a farm
and I have a love for those pretty purple thistle flowers.
Thanks for sharing your beautiful farm Betsy & Winn, it's just lovely.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Yesterday morning my Dad was all ready to head into surgery
and we were there to send him off
My sis, and brother came down from the cities
It was an early trip for them

Mid afternoon...still waiting
we were told at one point it should be about 6:30pm when we get to see him
"they had a little problem with the valve so they had to tweak it"

Still waiting... now it's after 9:00, cant remember how it went but we have a window of opportunity to FINALLY eat supper.
Communication wasnt all that good, so we didnt dare leave the hospital in fear we'd miss the doctor. We had no clue why this is taking so long...

......way longer than it was suppose to.

Dr. Greason showed up looking like..... well, like he'd been on his feet operating all day.

To make a long story short, they found a "flap" in the aorta during a echocardiogram (after the surgery, but still before they closed him up), so they decided to put dad back on bypass for a second time and fugure out what that "flap" was. It was a piece of plaque like material, so they had to cut out that part of the aortic artery and graft it.
So that was random and unexpected.
This afternoon about 14 hours after major heart surgery dad was sitting up in the chair and doing fairly well.

17 hours post of he was out of ICU.

A little early, I think, but he's in a good place with great nurses to watch him close.
He was a bit "foggy" today, and sort of loopy at times, but that's to be expected!
... I'm tired, so I shall sign off for now. (I feel loopy too)

Monday, July 19, 2010

Need for a tune-up

Tomorrow I'll be hanging out at St Marys hospital all day....
not because I have to work,

but because I wanna be there for my dad, (and mom)
Dad's having a heart valve replaced (aortic), and 2 bypass's done on his coronary arteries.
He's always had a funky aortic valve,(a murmer) and I kinda knew it would have to be replaced one day, so yeah....tomorrow is that day.
My dad is in good health, he works out everyday, takes care of his own yard (3/4 acre) and has a workshop that's he's alway putzing in...making furniture and stuff like that. I think I get my "cant sit stillness" from him...he's busy body.
The last few years he's slowed down a bit... he's been more tired (taking lots of naps) and gets a little more winded when he's out there working on stuff. Well no wonder dad....
The doctor says Dad's aortic valve should be the size of a quarter when it opens, but dad's is now about the size of a pencil, that heart is really having to work extra hard to push that blood through!
So anyway... I thought I'd ask for prayers on behalf of my dad, that he will come through the surgery well, without complications. Also prayers for the surgical team as they preform this routine (for them) but delicate surgery.
I'll update in the next few days, thanks in advance for your prayers

Thursday, July 15, 2010

It's all in a days work

People often ask me at work, "what do you do all day".
You see, I'm a "part-timer"
so apparently we have all this time on our hands to sit around and.... do nothing ???
For those of you who know me, I dont really do much sittin' around, unless of course you count my (devotion) reading time I do every morning .
I guess that counts as sittin'
A typical day off for me can vary a bit but here's how today went, which is somewhat typical...

Up at 7:40 to put a load of clothes in the washer, make the bed, then primp a bit before I'm off to my favorite "morning place"

My trusty"Kathy VanZeeland" bag is in the passenger seat next to me,
full of wonderful information

Today I chose to read "Be Still, my soul" (cuz I'm trying to learn to be still), After a few chapters I pull out my backpack bible and continue my reading in the book of JOB
I open my pretty flower journal and jot down a few of my thoughts, all while enjoying a

Light chocolate/raspberry latte....extra hot.


After about an hour, I stop to fill my car up with gas before going home to process the laundry

I love hanging my clothes on the line...aint nothing better than those fresh crisp clothes.
A quick lunch with my youngest son, a little conversation then I'm off again

I'm attempting to find a new comforter and curtains for our bed, so in I went. I found the comforter I think I want, but they didnt have the curtains in the store.
Drats.... guess I'll have to order them.
Back home I came for more Laundry and 3 hours of house cleaning
I'm so glad to have that done, whew.
After cleaning I decided to head to the mall cuz Herbergers was having a sale. I thought it would be another good place to check for my new comforter and curtains...

as always I was drawn by a magnetic force to the purses.

Nothing there flipped my switch, but it was fun looking anyway.
I returned home to check my facebook and mail....see I do sit around sometimes :)
...but not for long !

I high-tailed it off for a long walk (rick had just returned from golfing), It was a good walk!

When I got back home I sat down with this guy to talk about our day

to enjoy this fat-free blueberry yogurt icecream cone
So there you go... that's how I "sit around" all day :)

Monday, July 12, 2010

Every little part of her is precious

These little feet are just the sweetest things.

When I take pictures of my granddaughter I find more than just her face to take pictures of, because every little part of her is just as precious to me.

Those chubby little legs...

and feet
are irresistable.

Notice the little tan lines on her feet...couldnt resist a picture of that.


That sweet little neck...need I say more

The back side

Stuttin' her stuff in her little swim dress

That face always comes back around , oh my goodness...
I know I'm the grandma but there's just something about that face :)

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Night on the town

"Thursdays on first", it's called
During the summer here in Rochester MN ,
downtown is buzzing with excitement every Thursday,
on and around 1st avenue.
The streets are lined with vendors selling their goods.
This one (vendor) happens to be my sister-in-law Cindy.
She makes her own jewlery which as you can see...
...is beautiful

She also makes suncatchers... Love all the colors

There are also many food vendors that line the streets.
Tonight Rick and I decided to sit inside Bilottis for some delicious italian food.


Another booth features these cute and colorful tutu's
Our daughter Brianna was working downtown at Methodist hospital tonight. I jokingly said to Rick wouldnt that be funny if Brianna came down here for her break and we ran into her...
What are the chances of us being there at the same time
and running into each other with thousands of people everywhere....
Chances ended up being real good!

I'm glad you glanced our way and saw us Brie,
what a special little treat for us!

Monday, July 5, 2010

Bring it on...

No... I wasnt playing in the dirt
well,... sort of
Saturday afternoon I decided to venture out to Shopko. Tthings were going really well until I came back out to the van after shopping...

At the same time that I noticed it... a lady getting out of her car said to me, " did you know you have a flat tire?"


So it's about 90 degree, Humid! , I'm on asphalt and I cant get ahold of my dear husband.
I still have a ton of things to do, (like make 10 pounds of potato salad) so I have two choices

*1 Go back in the store and hope that I will eventually get ahold of rick

*2 Suck it up and change the darn tire myself


I had learned to change tires in middle school...(just a few years ago) so I was hoping my brain could recollect how it's done.

My biggest concern initially was, where is the spare tire and if I have a jack, where is it?

I found the spare tire underneath this mat, between the front and back seats.
Now the jack...

Could it be behind this net thingy in the back of the van?
Looks like some kind of a cubby hole.

I pull off the net and cover and there it is, at least I think that's a jack.
I went to it and had it changed in 15 minutes, start to finish.
No knights in shining armor walked by to help
only two elderly ladies with a walker
They stopped when they saw me sitting on the ground and here's what they said,
"is that a lady down there?, I really wish I had a camera"
I said back, "yeah I wish I had a camera too"
But I had to wait till I got home to take the picture of my dirty hands and pose in front of the spare that I put on.
It's not something I'd want to do everyday, but I'm glad I did.
I felt quite proud of myself :)

Friday, July 2, 2010

Going to see "Dave"

No he's not moving out...
But you'd think he was....
NO... Gavin's fix'n to go see this guy...
at this place....

This is Gavin's 2nd year packin' up and going to this "awesome" 2 day concert in East Troy Wisconsin. Him and about 5 of his buddies left about 9 this morning for the big adventure. They will pitch a few tent and hunker down tonight in hopes of getting a good spot for the concert which starts tomorrow. I guess you drive your car right up to the place you want to set up camp...it's that easy :)
Almost forgot his hat... but mom saved the day :)

We will miss Gavin on our big 4th of July celebration at mom & Dad's, but I'm happy he gets to have these opportunites. Praying for God's watchful eye over these young men, as momma's do tend to worry...
just a bit